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Warriors by Graham Storrs


Book 3 of the Canta Libre Trilogy

Visit the series webpage

“A brilliant and surprising ending to this brilliant saga.”

“Warriors wraps up all the loose ends nicely and leaves scope for spin-off stories.”

“As a space opera fan, I loved the space battles and they were done really well.”

“Stand-out characters were the prototype robot BS and the Canta Libre's artificial intelligence — I liked them very much.”


About This Book

First contact with alien species had been a disaster, opening a Pandora’s box of trouble for humanity.

Hunted by alien warships, the survivors of the crew of the Canta Libre travel back to Earth, only to discover a ferocious global war has broken out in their absence. Earth’s governments have branded them traitors and they too are hunting Captain Ashton and his crew for the alien technology they are supposed to have brought back.

Fighting for their lives against old allies and new enemies, only the Canta Libre, with its rag-tag crew of scientists and civilians, can bring the world the weapon it needs to defeat the alien warships hot on their tail. But the strange reality-bending force they have on board is a two-edged sword and, in the end, the Canta Libre may be the biggest threat to human survival of them all.

This site and all its content is copyright (c) Graham Storrs,